
Design and additive manufacturing of different components with FDM 3-D printing by high strength high temperature glass fiber filament

Sachin Kumar

FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) 3-D printing, also known as fabricating process is transforming the outlook of additive manufacturing. This modern specialized craze is furthermore uniform in hugely supervised production, such as agile tooling, quick prototyping and automotive industries. Working on the studies foreground, 3-D printing technology is developing latest ideal in research departments, like defence, implanting cells, tissue engineering moreover in dynamic robots interconnected subject. 3-D printing is first & foremost focused at mini ratio of tailor-made & made to order while traditional machining is twisted to stack productivity. Additive manufacturing (AM) in mini-scale extent is besides inexpensive in contrast to traditional manufacturing method, where cutting operations, guiding & planning technique initial to bona fide mass-productions are exhaustive & overpriced. In this paper we study the design prospects of knurling bolt to fit in a 3-D scanner with tripod stand. Design and additive manufacturing of device holder with FDM 3-D printing by HSHT (high strength high temperature) glass fiber filament used as working filament. Functional 3-D model of gear terminology used in industries & additive manufacturing of crutch tip used in standard aluminium crutches for handicapped person.

Keywords: Additive manufacturing, HSHT, Fiber filament, FDM
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