
Submit your papers/manuscripts for May issue by mailing us at editorrndpublications@gmail.com Impact Factor: 2.816


Full Text Manuscripts should be submitted by the corresponding author of the manuscript by mailing us at editor@chhabradeepak.site or editorrndpubications@gmail.com. Only .doc,.docx and .pdf format of files can be submitted as per the template. Submission in any other form will not be accepted. Acceptance or rejection notification will be sent to all the authors through e-mail.
Terms and Conditions:
Only original work will be accepted. Any kind of plagiarism will not be entertained. Authors are required to sign the copyright of their manuscript and send the scanned copy to the editor, once the manuscript is accepted. Submission of a manuscript indicates that the paper is not under consideration for publication with other journals.The facts and views in the manuscript will be of the authors and they will be totally responsible for authenticity, validity and originality.
Review Process:
IJRnDESM follows a paperless electronic submission and evaluation system to promote a rapid result in the peer review process. Blind review process is functioned by sending the Authors work for review to team of reviewers related to field of the work.